Monday 2 September 2013

The next thing he remembered was waking up with the worst headache he's ever had in his life. There were shooting pains in his chest and he felt cold, though sweat covered his body. He rolled over, his skin sticking to the sheets. He was thinking that his mother was going to kill him for wetting the bed when he felt her body beside him. Mary Alice was completely naked. Her neck was twisted to the side, her mouth open and filled with blood. He saw bruises on her legs and other parts of her.
John was too freaked out to make any noise. He was panting, his bladder pressing for release as he pushed himself back away from her body. The open window was behind him. He reached up, his fingers sliding against the frame. Blood. He had blood all over his hand. He had lain in it all night, his clothes soaking it up like a sponge. He heard a noise, a 'huh-huh-huh, ' but it was coming from him. Her face. He couldn't stop looking at her face. So much blood. He had to get out of here. He had to leave.
John pressed himself against the wall, using his legs to push himself up over the window ledge. He fell through the open window and into the backyard flat on his back, the air puffing out of his lungs in a sharp cough.
He looked up at the sky. It wasn’t yet morning, the sun making the trees grey shadows against black. His legs shook, but he managed to stand, his second skin on his back where had lain beside Mary Alice all night.
John ran, his heart pulsing in his throat.
He had to get out of there.
He had to get home.

I chose this extract from the book Triptych by Karin Slaughter as it makes the reader question whether or not the accident that has occurred was deliberately done by the boy in the extract or whether the character had realised whether it happened or not. The writer doesn’t give away what actually happened to the girl and leaves the reader to think more about the outcome which is why I like this text from the book. I like the way it makes you think about what actually happened, why it happened and who was responsible. I like the short sentences that are used within the text as it creates suspense and also makes the text more tense putting the reader on edge. Also, when reading this, it creates an image to the reader which I like in books as you can put yourself in the scene.


  1. I like the fact the writer described the cough as being sharp, as it continues the theme of death and murder. I also like that she describes the character's clothes as being a 'sponge', as this is normally something you would associate with cleanliness, not blood and mutilation.
    The language in this text is very suitable for the genre and the different sentence types make it pacy and gripping - exactly what is needed for a thriller.
    The final sentence also leaves the reader wondering where John is and why he isn't at home. I agree with Beth about wondering whether of not John had anything to do with Mary Alice's murder.

  2. That extract had my eyes fully focused onto the page. I may have to look up that novel. The short sentences definitely give a great deal of tense and added suspense! A truly, gripping and captivating piece. The language used compliments the genre and pace of the writing effectively. The last few sentences really ask questions of the boy: why is John not home? Did he do it? Was he conscious of the fact he had done it? Very interesting piece.
